Thursday, March 28, 2013

Maundy Thursday---please don't wash my feet!

Lent!  I don't get the whole giving up something...when you give up chocolate, beer, fried foods how is that honoring the Lord?  Oh...and BTW Jesus and God want me to be happy and I think also want me to eat meat on Fridays....if I so choose...but I do try to do something.  I send a message to friends daily..funny or inspirational..this week biblical.  I miss a day or 2 but try my best.  I did this for a group at work but it kinda trailed tired of being corrected when I misspelled Angel/Angle...or received comments like..that doesn't seem very religious...but I will pray for them still....

I only have a few days left to work.  2 to be exact....I am overly excited....

Look out world ---- here I come!  and I ain't holding nothing back! 

Birthday Day and Day After and Day After!!!

Saturday, March 23rd!  It is funny to me how my friends like to celebrate my birthday more then me...but as Mandy put it, well, at least your here to celebrate and not 6 feet under!  So, I will oblige.

The day started with teaching the couch to 5k class...awesome new class we started and I am so proud of the new runners....then I covered for the combo, got a little work out in!  Day ahead....nails, hair some shopping (again)!  and a night out! 

Hubby works until 6---meeting friends at winery at 7:30!  Nice group--I love my friends--more wine, cake, appetizers and good conversation.  Then of course gotta hit the local bars PE and IH!  The night ended late :) but was fun!!!!  Tomorrow I will rest.  Let the count down begin!!

Sunday, March 24th:  Relaxing, race, pizza and some stuff around the house...nothing crazy!

Monday, March 25th:  Work--then tonight is Kid Rock!!! Love him...going with the Kim and Robin, Kim and Robin...and Kelly Crew...

Concert great...but wished it was not a Monday...ugh am I getting old? 

Well, more blogs later in the to all! 

Wine, Pasta, Laughter, Shopping, Tears and Beer!

Friday-March more day!  Tonight I will celebrate, not my birthday, but celebrate friendships!  Invited to an awesome couples house...Frank and Amy!  Words to describe, classy, driven, passionate, well traveled, did I say classy!  I am sure it will be awesome.  Update later!!!

Tears and Shopping-But first, my morning with trainer...yes the trainer has a trainer!  I go along with the comment that a brain surgeon shouldn't operate on their own brain, a lawyer shouldn't defend themselves in why not a a great friend and therapy!  I plan to do some shopping (birthday coupons); stop to see Rocky and lift some more weights.  Then, calling hours for a dear man, William Rummell who was an amazing advocate for our community, church and people in general.  He will be truly missed...everyone should take a page out of his life's book and live it!  Rest In Peace Bill--a life well lived and a legacy to be proud of!

Wine, Pasta, Laughter...and Beer (thanks Jason)!  Anyone who knows me knows I am not a wine girl...I have so many allergies that I struggle with it...but its a wine weekend and I will enjoy some glasses.  The dinner party...AMAZING!!!  I have not tasted such good food in a long time--it ever!  Each dish was better then the last..not a big Calamari or Mushroom person (allergies) but I tasted and it was yummy!!! The Spags, Meatballs, Gnocchi and Braised Beef (at the risk of botching the title I will just say there was cheese and pasta involved in the dish) was some of the best I ever had...breads, desserts, meats, and laughter!  The perfect night!  Kudos to my friend and fellow beer fan for going on a beer run...sorry Frank!  We can keep it classy only so long! 


Sunday, March 17, 2013

Gearing up!

Today is March 17th!  St. Patty's day 2013......a so-so to see some good friends.  People seem edgy today for some reason but maybe its me???  So, in 6 days I will be 49!  I have decided to chronicle the year.  I have so many plans....along with enjoying my last time in the 40's I will also be retiring in about 3 weeks...I have 9 working days left.  Thankful to be at this point in my life but nervous.  So what's next?  Well, I will be doing personal training, teaching some classes at the gym and perhaps some consulting or project work now and then.  Short term...need to lose 15 lbs (get back to my fighting weight); workout more for me...and get my house cleaned from top to bottom!  So, stay tuned!  I will change names as situations require